Thursday, March 6, 2025 - WCA Town Meeting With Mayor Kimo Alameda and his Newly Appointed Cabinet
5:30-7PM - W.M. Keck Observatory Waimea Headquarters Conference Room - All invited
Monthly Waimea Town Meetings - All Invited
WCA holds monthly Town Meetings on the first Thursday of each month from 5:30-7 p.m. – do check back to confirm location in Waimea. All are invited – there is no charge – but membership in the association is urged to support the modest costs required to support this all-volunteer organization with communications, website and other modest expenses.
Meetings are usually hybrid so are in-person and also streamed “live” via our Facebook page and YouTube.
Information about town meetings is posted on this website and Facebook in advance. There also is a newsletter emailed prior to town meetings. Community events and news are published regularly on the WCA FB page and there is also a calendar of association events on this website. All community events that are of community service, education and/or benefit may be shared by the association on its FB page. Flyers and information for the calendar should be emailed as soon as possible to: Questions are always welcome prior to the town meeting to the above email or may be asked in person and will be addressed as time permits.
2024 Election Candidate Forums
MAHALO to all who participated in and contributed to our 2024 Election Forums!
2024 Waimea Town Meetings
2023 Waimea Town Meetings
January 12
All Waimea/North Hawai'i elected representatives – newly elected District 4 Senator Dr. Tim Richards, re-elected District 8 Rep. David Tarnas, Council Chair Heather Kimball (re-elected to District 1), and newly elected District 9 Council member Cindy Evans - shared the spotlight to discuss the upcoming legislative session during WCA's first hybrid town meeting.
Each of these elected representatives shared their session plans and priorities including – for our State Senator and Representative – their committee assignments. Council Chair Kimball also will share the legislative priorities of the Hawai’i State Association of Counties.
February 2
Hawai’i County Planning Director Zendo Kern was in the spotlight during the February Waimea Community Association hybrid town meeting
Director Kern discussed his department’s vision, priorities and problem solving efforts to address land use challenges and opportunities that impact many aspects of life county-wide. This included the department’s responsibility to provide technical advice and support for the Mayor, planning commissions and County Council, and also administering the county’s subdivision and zoning codes.
March 2
Just over 28 years ago, nothing short of a miracle occurred right here at Kawaihae Harbor as an amazing hui of community volunteers launched the Makali’i voyaging canoe. It’s an amazing story of cultural discovery, learning, growth and persistence and PWO Navigator Chadd Paishon joined us to retell the story, talk about what it’s been like enduring the pandemic, and the exciting plans ahead for the Na Kalai Wa’a ‘ohana and our Hawai’i Island community during our March meeting.
April 6
During Hawai’i County Mayor Mitch Roth’s State of the County address, he shared that the County Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD) had significantly increased the number of housing units “in the pipeline” from about 1,000 to over 5,000. This was one measure of progress toward addressing the housing crisis plaguing Hawai’i County.
During our April Town Meeting at Tutu’s House, OHCD Housing Administrator Susan Kunz shared more details about the agency’s multi-pronged approach to the county and statewide housing crisis, which is effectively squeezing many island residents and even forcing some to relocate outside the state.
May 4
From building permits to road paving, from potholes to grubbing permits, from streetlight synchronization to drywells and much more, few public agencies have as much day-to-day impact on Hawai’i County residents as the County Department of Public Works. DPW Director Steve Pause shared an overview of the department – from Building and Engineering to Highways and Traffic - during our May meeting.
June 1
Our June meeting included a 2023 Legislative Recap by Sen. Tim Richards and Rep. David Tarnas. Special Guest Lt. Governor Sylvia Luke shared the State’s “READY KEIKI” early childhood education initiative and also the state’s broadband plan. “Ready Keiki” includes opening 11 classrooms for 4-year-olds this August for the 2023-24 school year. The only one of these first classrooms on Hawai’i Island for 2023 will be here at Waimea Elementary School.
More meeting details:
July 6
Taking Sustainability & Resilience Seriously
Hawai’i County’s new Office of Sustainability, Climate, Equity & Resilience (OSCER) and the State Sustainability Plan.
Click here for the OSCER presentation and here for State Sustainability Plan presentation.
More meeting details:
August 3
Representatives of Waimea Elementary, Waimea Middle, Kanu o Ka ‘Aina, Waimea Country, Parker, Hawai’i Preparatory Academy and ʻAlo Kēhau o ka ʻAina Mauna - a satellite emersion school of Ke Kula o Nāwahīokalaniʻōpuʻu Iki – plus Honoka’a High School participated in providing an overview of the year ahead including keeping students safe, cared for, progressing academically, socially and culturally, and how the community can support the next generation of youth.
More meeting details:
September 7
Recent horrific wildfires – fanned by hurricane Dora and weather patterns exacerbated by climate change – have challenged emergency responders and communities here in North and South Kohala and devastated Maui. As all of Hawai’i grapples with extraordinary grief and horror, an outpouring of aloha has swept the state for those who perished and their ohana, and for those who have lost so much - their homes, businesses, schools, livelihoods, and more including Lahaina’s rich history and sense of place.
‘Wildfire Reflections’ topped the agenda for the September Town Meeting. Attendees heard from a chain of community leaders involved in federal, state and county emergency response as well as representatives from Hawai’i Wildfire Management Organization (HWMO) which focuses on community preparedness and prevention.
October 5
The Hawai’i County General Plan is a critical blueprint that guides the long term development of the island. Hawai’i County Planning recently released an updated plan – thru 2045 - that addresses a wide range of needs, growth strategies, land use, zoning, economic priorities, recommended capitol expenditures, environmental. cultural and social equity protections and more.
Also on the town meeting agenda was an important update about Waimea’s water resources and services including both potable and ag sources by WCA Board Member David Greenwell and Hawai’i County Department of Water Supply staff Kurt Inaba and Kawika Uyehara. This will be followed with an update by Yishan Wong about not-for-profit Terraformation’s fascinating 21st century water resource exploratory project to convert brackish water to suitable ag uses – most notably here to be used to reforest now arid lands here on Hawai’i Island that are highly susceptible to wildfire.
More meeting details:
November 15
7th Annual MAHALO First Responders Dinner - November 15, 2023
“Whether it’s the Sayre Foundation donating millions to upgrade wildland fire equipment, firefighters from different agencies who respond even when a fire is not in their jurisdiction, or the volunteers who protect their neighbors’ homes and property, it’s hard to overstate the contributions Hawaii Island first responders have on our communities,” said Nancy Carr Smith, who led WCA’s planning for this year’s first responders’ dinner. “We are always in their debt for their service.”
More event details:
December 2
63rd Annual Waimea Twilight Christmas Parade
Saturday, December 2, 2023 - 5:30PM
A Partnership with Waimea Community Association and dozens of community sponsors, friends and volunteers!
2023 Parade Theme:
‘E Lauhoe Mai Na Wa’a’
‘Everyone Paddle the Canoe Together’
Grand Marshal: Pete Hendricks!