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July Waimea Town Meeting - Virtual

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Virtual Waimea Town Meeting - Thursday, July 16: What The Just Pau Legislature Means, and Waimea Schools Share Reopening Plans

After a prolonged start-stop-start-stop Legislative session due to the COVID pandemic, the 2020 Hawaiʻi State Legislature slammed down the gavel last Friday (7/10/20) to conclude its business for at least the time being. Under a COVID cloud of uncertainty that limited public access except virtually, there was still a lot of work done and our District 7 State Representative David Tarnas recapped session high points and shared a bit about what might lie ahead given the economic implosion impacting every aspect of life statewide during Waimea Community Association’s virtual town meeting on Thursday, July 16, 2020.

The virtual meeting was livestreamed to the association’s Facebook page and uploaded to the WCA YouTube channel and made accessible from the WCA website ( for later viewing.

Also on the agenda was a glimpse of the planning by Waimea’s public, public charter, and independent schools to provide safe learning environments for the children of our community. This included Waimea Elementary School Principal Scott Tamura, Waimea Middle School Principal Janice English, Keomailani Case, the elementary interim principal, Kanoa Castro, secondary interim principal, and Nicole Ryan, interim principal of Ka ʻOha, the virtual learning program at Kanu o ka ‘Aina; Waimea Country School Head Amy Salling, Parker School’s new head of school Stephen Dunn, and Hawai‘i Preparatory Academy Director of Studies Dr. Amy Cole. They each briefly shared plans to re-open and support safe learning environments after COVID-mandated closure. Presenters provided a brief overview of their academic and student-teachers-staff safety plans in keeping with the Governor’s emergency declarations, and CDC and State Department of Health Covid-safety advisories.

WCA President James Hustace facilitated the virtual meeting.

Joining him briefly was Waimea Police Capt. Sherry Bird with a public safety update, and WCA Board Member Patti Cook, who reviewed Hawaiʻi’s transition to almost entirely Vote By Mail for the rapidly approaching August 8 Primary Election. Cook reviewed voter registration procedures and how to avoid accidentally invalidating mailed ballots. She also reviewed the walk-in voting options in Hilo and Kona, and the establishment of six secure ballot drop boxes around the island, including one at Waimea Police Station.

For more information about Waimea Community Association, go to or